So I was in school right. I'm in school a lot nowadays. Just doing schooly stuff like coming up with new ways to extend sentences so that I can fill up those 10 pages of work I have to do without actually doing any research. It's not that hard really. Take this sentence:
I enjoy pie.
It does it job of informing you that I like pie. It's short, concise and gets the job done. Now if I'd write it in a school paper it'd look something like this:
Something I truly enjoy here in life, in ways of food, is one of those things you often can buy in restaurants after a meal. You can even make them at home if you got the skill and know-how. I am of course talking about the wonderful invention called pie.
Those two sentences basically says the same thing. The difference thought is that one sentence consist of three words while the other got over 50 in it. Another thing I've learned is that graphs and tables makes it look like you've written a lot more than you've actually have.
That's half a page right there. |
Anywho, about the whole "failing as a man thing". Me and me mate went have some lunch. So I decided to order a nice hamburger with fries. I could make the rest of this post about how ridiculous long I had to wait for my food to get done. But I wont. I'm just happy that I got it before the polar caps melted and thus flooding the place since I didn't bring my swimsuit with me. So I get the food right. And it wasn't bad. Some nice fries, juice burger and all that. But I couldn't finish it. After eating half of it I got that feeling you usually get after eating a whole pizza. At that point I went through the five stages of grief.
First came denial. I thought to myself "you can do this! It's just a burger. You can't be full yet!"
Then anger: "I paid for this burger and I will well damned eat it!"
After that came bargaining: "What if I start of with the french fries and lead my way up to it? Then it'll be okay right? Right?"
Depression: "I don't even care anymore about anything. What's the point?"
And last acceptance: "It's going to be okay. I'll just get another burger another time and eat the whole thing. It's no big deal."
God damn burgers.