Sunday, July 31, 2011

This is becoming a regular thing.

Another night of drinking, another morning in agony. Well, since I woke up around 2 pm, I guess that I can't call it morning. I had a killer migraine, every muscle in my body was sore, and it felt like someone had hit me over the ribs with a 2 by 4. Can't even remember doing anything justifying this amount of pain. I do remember falling though, which leads me to today's tip:

Do not walk backwards when you're drunk.

So I was hanging with my peeps right, and we decided to get our asses down to our favorite pub. Since the guy we were drinking at lives right in the city it was like a five minute walk or something, not too bad. But me, being in front, had the bright idea to walk backwards so that I could talk with one of my mates. This wouldn't normally be a problem on most streets because they're, you know, flat and not really that hard to walk on. That's the whole idea with streets really, they're made for walking. But some bright guy somewhere had the smart idea of putting up a complete black pole in the middle of the street. Well, me, not taking notice of this wonderfully placed piece of marvel, backed into it and fell, backwards, like a tree. Before I knew it I was lying down on the pavement and asking myself "wtf?" My friends, considerate as they are, asked if I was alright and if I hit my head. But I was more concerned if my white piké had become dirty from the fall. They assured me that it was totally OK. It wasn't.
Pole - 1, Cray - 0
The rest of the night proceeded like a normal night out usually do. We met some old class mates from waaay back in time, I found cutie to talk to, and we drank and laughed until the place closed. Took a cab over to a after party at the girls, drank some more, and made out with the cutie until the girl who owned the place decided to kick us out at around 8 am. Went home. Slept.

Well, like I said, a totally normal night out.

Something else I did today was invent a new fashion. Since my piké was dirty, and it was pretty warm out side, I decided that I could just wear my Palestinian scarf as a makeshift sweater. And I must say, it does the job well. It cover your nipples, albeit not that good, but shows of all the other good parts. And thus the "Cray Shirt" fashion was born. I'm trademarking it tomorrow!

This is what everyone will be wearing  next summer.


  1. We all do crazy shit when we are drunk right ? At least you invented new trademark

  2. Hehe, drinking does that, it gets you laid or beaten up... often both.

  3. The fact that you manage to make that look cool makes me green with envy.

  4. You should trademark it immediately, in case someone reads this and decides to get that pie before you do. It won't be me though, I won't look anywhere as good as that in that fashion.

  5. sounds like a fun night, except for getting hurt. nice "shirt"

  6. "Do not walk backwards when you're drunk."

    clever quote!

  7. I hate waking up anywhere past 12:00 pm, because you get that rotten feeling that the day just slipped by. As for the pole, you were asking for that one, hahaha.

  8. Of course, i will be wearing that shit next summer =)

  9. i've always wanted to know which idiots place things like that in inconvenient place :D

  10. I am not muscular enough to wear that :c.

  11. wait! haha! sorry..I'm such a nuisance..I knew it! it's you on the pic ^_^
    You're HOT! really :D

  12. "do not walk bakwards while drunk"

    words of wisdom :D

  13. Eugh, I had the worst morning yesterday after binging on Saturday. Glad to hear I wasn't the only one in agony.

  14. Oh, poles, we meet again! :D

    Nevermind tripping over one, have you ever tried jumping over it? Drunk, of course. Gonades, bye bye! :D :S

  15. well, I have to say you give good advices for what don't do when you're drunk haha

  16. You should've trademarked it before you posted it here!

  17. That scarf-shirt got me all confused about them seasons : - O

  18. you should become a designer ^^

  19. "Do not walk backwards when drunk"
    Best. Advice. Today.

  20. You should tell me to walk backwards while drunk I even run backwards because, To me it just felt good. Well my story didn't go well like yours tho. I fell on a mud pool, I was late for an hour and a half for my gf, we broke up, and I left my money on my pants so I need to walk home because I have no car at that time.

  21. Quite an entertaining little update. I'll be coming back based on the strength of this, and you pulling that thing off.


  22. haha that is right mate

  23. yesterday i drank water with freaking vodka mixed in a little and fell lol

  24. never a good idea to walk backwards haha, least of all when your drinking! sounds like a good night out :)

  25. I like your fashion, it is vaguely Tyler Durden-ish :P

  26. sounds like it was fun regardless haha! looking forward to more stories like it


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